Parent –Teacher contact and co-operation is essential for a complete and harmonious development of a student’s personality. Constant vigilance on the part of parent/ guardian pays rich dividends. Please observe the following points in the interest of your ward
Please use the school diary as a means of communication with the school bychecking the remarks if any made by the teachers.
Please see that your ward has all the textbooks, items of stationary andcraftmaterials .
Please ensure that your ward comes to the school in proper school uniform.
Please let your child not be absent from the school without proper writtenleave application.
Do attend Parent –Teacher meeting.
In case you wish to send lunchbox /water bottle to your ward, pleasechannelize the same through the office.
Please sign the copies /papers as and when sent to you.
Please meet the teacher with prior permission from the principal .
Please do not go into the class room to discuss any problem with the teacheras it disturbs the academic atmosphere of the class